Letting go of the years you spent together after your divorce is final is not always easy. This is true – even if you initiated the process.
Everything you’ve been thinking about for months and months is now a reality. You may feel out of control and even somewhat bewildered, but it’s time to move on.
It’s time to realize that your lifestyle is about to be altered by the financial settlement. You now have to worry about spousal support and child support. What about your children? They are probably the most painful part of all of this.
Your children won’t be with you every day now. You have to share custody with your ex-spouse. Don’t feel guilty – everything will eventually fall into place. You just need to agree on certain things in order to make the transition move smoothly. Having an experienced attorney by your side to help guide you through all those hard moments and make the process much more manageable to get you to focus on your new life, and all the changes heading your way.
Even when the divorce starts out friendly, it doesn’t mean it will stay that way. Battles take place while working through all the details. Fear and anger can take control while listening to well-meaning friends.
Are you going through a divorce and feel that stress is about to take hold of your life? It would be in your best interests to contact the Riverside Family Law offices of Holstrom, Block & Parke immediately. Our attorneys understand the intricacies of divorce and the realities of your financial situation.
We will work with you to arrive at a reasonable legal settlement that is within your means and meet your needs while doing so. More than anything, we can help you come to terms with difficult decisions made with care and confidence during this stressful and traumatic time in your life.
About Dayn Holstrom
Dayn Holstrom is a hard working, compassionate problem solver who welcomes the opportunity to serve you in any way he can. His maximum availability to your questions and concerns begins with your free initial consultation. He is well-seasoned in all matters related to family law and a skilled negotiator and litigator.