We have helped many couples in Riverside County through a divorce and some are better than others. Everyone agrees that it isn’t a fun process, but it also doesn’t need to be looked at as “bad.” Here are 6 of the best things about divorce, according to a recent post by DivorcedMom’s Lizzy Smith:
- It’s done. Churchill said “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” Whatever you’re struggling with in your marriage, you won’t need to deal with that (hopefully) once the divorce is finalized.
- The whole bed! Stretch out, lay sideways, don’t listen to snoring… not sharing a bed throughout the night can be wonderful!
- Purging the ugly. You know all that awful stuff your ex kept around that always annoyed yet—throw it all out! Or make him/her take it. Your space is now your own to do whatever you want with!
- No more fighting. As great as relationships can be, everyone fights and everyone has low moments. While the peaks and valleys are worth it… no more valleys! That’s something to celebrate.
- Being honest. Most people have an extremely hard time being honest about their struggles and the emotional turmoil that may be going on in their life during a rocky marriage. Once the divorce is over, many people find it much easier to be open and honest with their friends/family about what they went through. That’s when the emotional healing can start to take place.
- Finding passion again. Remember that excitement you once felt for your ex and how you got butterflies and felt real love and longing? You have the chance to find that again with someone else, and make it work/last this time. It’s a terrific opportunity to rejoice about.