If you’re excited to start dating again post-divorce, you should be! There are tons of hot spots in Riverside and Orange County to meet other singles and it can be a great time. However, the game changed a bit (or more) since you were last single, and there are some things you need to be aware of. Have you heard of Tinder? All of the under-30’s have, and they’re probably using the app to date.
Here are some tips from HuffPost readers to help you keep up:
- You know what you don’t want. Your last marriage showed you that. If you’re still unsure of what you DON’T want, you’re probably not ready to date again. Use dating as a time to figure out what you DO want.
- Work on you first. If you still have emotional baggage form your divorce, you’re not ready. You should be able to talk about the split without it causing you to get upset.
- Don’t cling. You may feel lonely and it could cause you to cling to the first halfway decent person you meet. This could lead to a quick ending because most people don’t like clingers, or it might lead you to picking a new unsuitable partner.
- Ask lots of questions. The best way to get to know someone is to ask questions. You’ll know them by what they say and HOW they respond.
- The first person you meet won’t be your next husband. Even the 10th may not be. Be patient. You’d rather spend many more years dating than go through another divorce 10 years later.
- Online dating takes thick skin. You will message people who will never respond. You’ll talk to someone and then he/she will suddenly decide to stop talking to you. People say hurtful things via the Web. Know what you’re getting yourself into.