Child neglect refers to the failure by the parent, guardian, or caregiver to provide needed, age-appropriate care even though financially able to do so.
Neglect is usually ongoing inadequate care that can be observed by individuals in close contact with the child, such as physicians, day care personnel, relatives, or neighbors. Most will get involved and report suspected neglect to the authorities. Once the child is in school, personnel often notice indicators of child neglect such as poor hygiene, not enough weight gain for their age, inadequate medical care, or frequent absences from school.
According to the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System, more than 800,000 children in the United States were victims of abuse and neglect in a given year. Neglect comes in several different forms, including:
- Physical neglect – the parent does not provide the child with basic necessities, such as adequate food, clothing and shelter. It can also include child abandonment, inadequate supervision, rejection of a child, and failure to provide adequate safety, physical, and emotional needs.
Physical neglect can severely impact a child’s development by causing failure to thrive, malnutrition, cuts, bruises, burns, serious illness, and a lack of low self-esteem - Emotional neglect – when a parent engages in chronic spousal abuse in the child’s presence. It includes allowing the child to use drugs or alcohol, belittling the child, and withholding all types of
affection and love. In addition, the child’s needs are totally ignored and at times the child is even threatened with severe punishment. - Medical neglect – the failure to provide appropriate health care – placing the child at risk of being seriously ill, disabled, or even dying.
If you suspect child neglect or child abuse is happening to your child or someone you know, you are required by law to report it to the local child protective services agency in your county.
If you are facing child neglect charges it is important to protect yourself by retaining the services of a capable Family Law attorney. Let us put our legal skills and experience to work for you and see if we can diminish your charges or have them dropped altogether. Talk to the best in the business Holstrom, Block & Parke Family Law & Divorce Attorneys now with offices in Riverside and Orange Counties.
About Dayn Holstrom
Dayn Holstrom is a hard working, compassionate problem solver who welcomes the opportunity to serve you in any way he can. His maximum availability to your questions and concerns begins with your free initial consultation. He is well-seasoned in all matters related to family law and a skilled negotiator and litigator.