Most of what we write about deals with successfully making through a divorce. And then after divorce we give advice on co-parenting, coping, moving on, etc. What about the perks? You’re single again! If that doesn’t make you a little happy, you need a new perspective. Not being tied down, no matter what the age, can be exciting. You have your freedom again. In case you need some inspiration, Huffington Post readers shared the following best things about single:
- Your days of feeling lonely even though someone is right next to you are gone
- No more arguments—for the most part
- You have your own bed every night. Well, every night that you want your own bed.
- Spend money however you want. You know all those things you didn’t buy because you didn’t want to deal with your ex being pissed about it? Go buy them.
- Create your own future. You have no one in your way and you don’t need to think about how a partner might be affected by your decisions.
- You may actually have the best sex ever. Find that passion again.
- If you were ever emotionally or physically abused, that will no longer have a place in your life. You should never put up with that again.
- You know that horrible feeling looking at someone, or your wedding ring, and thinking “worst mistake of my life?” Never again.
- You have an excellent chance to learn from your past mistakes and be more careful when it comes to choosing a new partner.