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Latest News and Notes from Holstrom, Block & Parke, a Professional Law Corporation

Social Media and Child Custody

Social media is present in most of our lives today. Whether you use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or some other social…

Who Keeps the Pet?

By Michelle Brooker The strong bond between an owner and their pet cannot be understated. Whether we’re talking about a…

Fame Is A Harsh Mistress

Written By: Ron Funk It has recently been reported that UCLA head football coach Jim Mora Jr. missed a UCLA football…

3 Tips to Help Reduce Your Lawyer Bills in a Divorce

If you are about to retain an attorney to help you go through the emotional roller coaster ride known as…

Which Friends Can You Talk to During a Divorce?

By James Parke Going through a divorce is obviously one of the worst periods anyone can experience in life. In fact, many…

Setting Boundaries During a Divorce Can Save you Money

By James R. Parke Going through a divorce? Then you know attorney’s fees can be expensive. Do you want to save…

The Seven Deadly Sins of Mediation and How to Avoid Them

If you’re going through a child custody dispute in California, the chances are high that you will need to attend mediation at…

Determining Who Gets the House in a Divorce

California is one of only a few states in the country that use community property rules when deciding how assets are divided…

Bankruptcy During Divorce: How They Interact

If you need to file for divorce, you might be understandably hesitant to see what the future holds for you. Regardless,…

What Constitutes Domestic Violence in Court?

by Chandra Moss The issue of domestic violence has been at the forefront of headlines over the past few months, especially in the…

How to Make a Prenuptial Agreement in California

Premarital agreements – sometimes called prenuptial agreements – are supposed to help married couples avoid unnecessary conflict if they ever decide…

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Prenup: Lessons for Johnny Depp

by Chandra Moss As most persons have “heard” by now (pun intended), actors Johnny Depp and Amber Heard went through a…

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