Business Valuation

Determining the actual worth of a business

Southern CA Business Valuation Lawyer

Protect Your Interests with a Comprehensive Valuation

In Southern California family courts, a business owned by either spouse is going to be part of any property distribution settlement. This involves more than just looking at what kind of profits the business is bringing in and dividing it in half as every business has its own distinct tangible and intangible assets. It is important to know the actual worth of a business. Getting a true business valuation affects the process of property distribution, as well as other parts of the divorce settlement. The value of a business can be a factor in determining support payments, whether those be child or spousal, so it is essential to have an experienced divorce attorney help you navigate the business valuation process.

Determining the Value of a Business

One of the important concerns when determining the value of a business is making a tactical decision regarding the date of the valuation. At our firm, we know how to help you navigate through the complexities of these decisions, whether it is choosing the date, finding the right experts, or more. We can help you to evaluate the business on your own terms while still making sure that the final valuation is acceptable to the courts.

Our firm can help with various valuation issues, including:
  • “Off-the-books” money, which is one of the most common causes for litigation.
  • Determining the controllable cash flow. This involves the cash the business has on hand in various amounts and the amount that business owners have access to, which is essentially money added to their income.
  • Looking into hidden assets, like unreported income, self-employment perks, and personal expenses.